Winter Safety Tips For Kids

Winter safety tips for parents and kids

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One of the most fun parts of winter in Kenosha is playing in the snow. Children love sledding down big hills near their home, building snowmen, and doing all sorts of fun winter activities outdoors. These winter activities are very fun and family-friendly activities but they do have some safety concerns.

Cornerstone Academy wants your family to be safe this winter in Kenosha. That’s why we’ve provided a few sledding safety tips for children to ensure everyone returns home safe to enjoy a cup of hot cocoa by the fire:



Small children require adult supervision during most winter activities. It is really easy to just let your child go out and play in the winter, but it is important to make sure you keep an eye on them in case of trouble. Injuries can happen in a blink of an eye with ice and snow, so keeping a closer eye on your kids is important.


Be sure small children are dressed from head to toe in warm clothing. Toddlers should wear long sleeves and warm pants underneath snow pants and a winter coat. Children should also wear snow boots, gloves or mittens, a warm hat, and a scarf during sledding.

One thing to remember is that clothes can get very wet, especially when playing with snow. It’s important to swap out those wet items for dry ones from time to time as wet and cold don’t mix well together!


Kids are used to being outside and playing all day long, but in the cold winter months, it is important for them to take a break and warm up every once in a while! Especially in a place like Kenosha, WI where temperatures can get down well below freezing, hypothermia can be a real concern.  Make sure you pay attention and call those kiddos in every once in a while to make sure they stay nice and warm.


While most winter activities are harmless and can be a lot of fun, there are a few that can be dangerous and require an extra layer of attention. 

The first one we will mention is sledding. Sledding can be a lot of fun and give kids the thrill of a lifetime, however, more than 25,000 kids are seen in emergency rooms each year with injuries from sledding. It is important to make sure you teach your kids awareness on the sledding hill so they can make sure they don’t end up hurt.

Another popular activity for kids is building tunnels. Kids will often times use the large piles of snow on the side of the road and dig a tunnel through. While this can be a ton of fun, it is also very dangerous, especially when those makeshift tunnel collapse. Make sure there is supervision during this type of activity!

Overall, winter is an incredibly fun time for both kids and parents. By following our tips, everyone can have a fun and safe winter! 

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The Cornerstone Academy curriculum has been developed with the understanding that children are continuously maturing and becoming more intelligent. Every