How Music Helps Children Learn

Music helps with children development

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Music has many benefits for children, whether that means they are learning how to play a musical instrument or are simply exposed to music at a young age. Studies have shown that music helps with brain growth and development for children, even from the very first stages of life!


Music, playing or listening, helps stimulate the brain and helps form new neural connections in multiple areas.

1. Language

Music works the left side of the brain, flexing some of the most important skills, the language skills! Children who simply participate in musical classes are shown to have an improved development in speech, and can learn to read more easily than those who do not. Additionally, music teaches rhythm and rhyme, and therefore, can help with remembering information. That’s why songs are great for learning (hint hint, the ABCs!).

2. Creativity

As if it’s not already obvious, making music can help children with their creativity. Working those creative muscles from a young age in music could also eventually translate into a different creative hobby such as art, singing, dancing, or writing.

3. Math

Music is math, so it only makes sense that music helps with math skills. Listening to musical beats helps with pattern recognition. The part of the brain that is used to solve math problems is the same that is used to play a musical instrument. All in all, both improve problem-solving skills, which is a fundamental skill for children to develop.

4. Memory, attention, & concentration

Studies have shown that people who are trained in music have stronger memory skills, since in music, one is often using memory and recall for notes and music. In addition, music requires quite a bit of concentration! Learning to play music requires children to stay focused for long periods of time and will help them establish a better attention span. In turn, this will assist them in school, sitting in class and having to do assignments/homework.

5. Motor skills

By using their eyes, ears, hands, and fingers, kids can develop their coordination skills and motor skills. It also gets kids comfortable with working with different muscles they don’t normally exercise in their daily life.

6. Social Skills

Making music with other people requires children to communicate with others, helping with their social skills. Not only that, but they’ll also gain a sense of what it means to be a team player.

7. Happiness

Music brings people together and brings people joy, no matter the age. Playing a musical instrument is an art and a hobby that gives children a sense of accomplishment and can provide happiness to your child. Knowing how to play music is a huge reward in itself!

There’s no doubt that music has multiple benefits for children. Encourage your child to try out something new while they’re young. It will be amazing to not just witness them grow and develop in a variety of areas, but to also watch them have so much joy in creating a piece of art!

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