School’s almost out for the summer which means your kiddo is excited for more freedom and less responsibility. However, despite their obvious enthusiasm and anticipation, your child may also be experiencing anxiety and nervousness from the sudden switch in routine so how do you prepare for summer vacation with kids?
Although there is no “correct” way to help your child adjust, we’ve compiled a list of some helpful tips and tricks to make sure you and your little one transition from school to summer mode as smoothly as possible.
Keep a Routine
Transitioning from school to summer means a drastic change in your child’s schedule. There are no specific meal times, no particular nap times, and the freedom to adjust their schedule to their (and your) liking.
The easiest way to make sure your family dynamic stays in line and your kiddo has the smoothest transition possible is to try to maintain a normal routine. Of course, letting them stay up late once in a while or allowing them to have ice cream before dinner isn’t going to screw up their routine, but keeping their daily tasks routine will help your kiddo feel confident in their new adjustment.
Create a Summer Wishlist
A great way to get your child excited to spend their summer away from their friends, teachers, and routine is to create a summer wishlist with them. Talk to them about what they’re most excited about during the upcoming summer off, and tell them about how you’re feeling too.
Try discussing any exciting vacation plans or how the family is planning to spend time together on the weekends. Ask your child for their input and feedback, and be sure to write down some of their summer “wishlist” plans. Allowing them to feel heard and involved will make them much more excited for the summer ahead.
Communication is the key to understanding; this same rule applies when talking with your children. Having open communication among the family will save your child from any confusion that may lead to upsetting or disappointing feelings.
Communication will help your child understand why they are no longer getting on the bus in the morning or that they won’t see their teachers or classroom for a few months. Leave the conversation open for discussion and allow for questions and feedback from your kiddo – as this will help them grasp concepts and understand better.
Maintain Their Connections
One of the most difficult parts of transitioning into summer is your child losing their close connections suddenly. They’re used to seeing their teachers, classmates, and friends every week, and maintaining those connections will help them feel more comfortable with the sudden change.
If you’re about to head into summer vacation with kids, be sure to grab other parents’ contacts before the end of the school year so you can arrange playdates and your child can get in contact with their friends if they begin to feel lonely.
Continue the Learning Experience
Keep your kiddo’s mind active all summer long by making learning a fun experience! Whether you encourage them to play brain busters on the computer, take a walk outside and observe nature together, or read a few books before bedtime, you are keeping their mind active and engaged without them realizing it. This will not only help cure summer-time boredom but will also keep their mind healthy and ready for the transition into the school year ahead.
Remember, transitioning from school to summer vacation with kids is a change for everyone in the family. It’ll take time to adjust, questions will be asked, and there will be mixed feelings for a little while. However, this is the perfect opportunity for you to spend quality time with your child while they’re distraction-free, so don’t forget to embrace the hecticness. Once your kiddo feels confident and comfortable with the drastic change in their life, they’ll be ready for a summer full of fun and sunshine!