Why Stay-At-Home Parents Should Send Their Children To Daycare

Reasons for part-time parents to send their child to daycare

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Getting to spend tons of time with your children as a stay-at-home parent is a true blessing. You get to be involved in every part of the process and watch as they grow, achieve new things, and best of all, you get to do it all in the safety of your home.

While most of the kids that come to cornerstone academy have working parents, you would be surprised how many stay-at-home parents bring their kids to daycare for even a half-day a few times per week. 

Why would stay-at-home parents bring their kids to daycare?

Socialization with other children

While we are sure your child loves interacting with you all day, there is nothing like getting them into a room full of their peers to really let their personalities come through. Building strong social skills, creating friendships, learning to share and learning how to work through interaction is essential to the development and research shows that children with strong social skills are more likely to thrive as adults.

Get to do activities that they don’t get to do at home (and you don’t have to clean up after!)

Don’t get us wrong, you are probably full of fun activities to do with your kids to help them learn, but there are limitations to what you can do. By sending your child to a daycare a few times per week, they can discover new things that they would not have been able to experience before. We take the kids on field trips, bring in special guests like firefighters and magicians, and even host a holiday concert and thanksgiving meal! The best part? Because we are handling the fun, we handle all the messes that come with them too! 

Sometimes… You need a little break too

Being a stay-at-home parent is a full-time job and just like any other job, sometimes YOU need a break. Sending your child to daycare part-time is a great way for your child to get lots of new experiences while allowing you to get some things done without distraction and even spend some time to yourself. Giving yourself a little time to do something for you and coming back refreshed can make you much happier and allows you to be a better parent! 

Gets them familiarized with school routines

Especially as children get closer to school age, getting them familiarized with a school routine can make the process a lot easier on both you and them on day one. It is important to expose them to the structure of a classroom, how to follow directions from a teacher, and what it is like to not have a parent around. Even just a little exposure to this process, will set your child up on the right path and give them a headstart when they start their first day of school

If you are interested in having your child join us part-time, we would love to talk to you! Make sure to reach out and stop by for a tour anytime – We would love to meet you!

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Cornerstone Curriculum

The Cornerstone Academy curriculum has been developed with the understanding that children are continuously maturing and becoming more intelligent. Every