The School To Summer Switch: 6 Tips For An Effortless Transition

6 Tips for School to Summer

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The end of the school year is always an exciting time for kids. They get a break from academics and busy school life to enjoy some much-needed time off in the summer. Although summer has an emphasis on fun, the transition from school to summer can take some work.

The routine and structure of school are suddenly gone, and children are left with a lot of free time on their hands. With so many activities to keep children busy, it is important to remember that structure in moderation is a great way not to overwhelm your kids. Luckily, there are ways to make the transition easier for your child. Keep reading to see some summer transition tips for parents.

6 Ways to Ease the School to Summer Transition

Develop a Similar Routine

Unlike the academic year, summer vacation doesn’t require as much organization. After all, vacations are meant to be enjoyable. In light of this, keeping a simplified version of your child’s school routine might ease the transition from the school year to the summer break. This can be as simple as making sure your child gets up and brushes their teeth at the same time every day (maybe not as early as school).

Helping your child maintain similar routines means they won’t need to adjust to a completely new routine because they are already accustomed to it. Maintaining a portion of your daily routine will also help your child transition more smoothly back to school after the summer.

Create a Schedule Together

Even though summer is a time for relaxation, having a daily schedule can help children feel more comfortable with the transition. Create a schedule that includes time for outdoor activities, reading, and other hobbies.

Your child’s anxiety will decrease if they have a schedule that lets them know what to anticipate. Make an effort to simplify your schedule as much as you can. Meal times, the day’s tasks, and bedtime are great activities to include in your family’s summer vacation plan. Remember to have fun with it! Ask your child to help create the schedule and make sure it includes some activities they choose themselves.

Make A Summer Vacation Wish List

Summer is a great time to spend quality time together as a family. Plan outings or activities everyone can enjoy, such as picnics, hikes, or movie nights. Get your family together and have everyone share their ideas on activities or crafts they want to do during the summer. The more you can incorporate ideas from everyone, the more fun everyone will have.

Try to talk about your family’s exciting vacation plans or the different ways everyone will get together on the weekends. Write down some of your child’s “wishlist” plans for the summer and make sure to ask for their opinions and feedback. Of course, not all ideas can be accomplished, but letting everyone have a chance to share will make everyone feel included.

This could also be a good time to plan a family field trip. There are plenty of summer activities here in Kenosha; make sure to explore while the weather is nice! And if you choose to take your exploration elsewhere, make sure to check out these 5 tips for traveling with kids.

Encourage Outdoor Activities (Limit Screen Time)

During the summer, there’s TV to watch, video games to be played, and many other reasons why the indoors may seem better. You might see fewer children playing outside because of this. Encouraging your child to spend time outside is important for their physical and mental health. Consider taking them to a local park or nature reserve or planning a family camping trip.

While it’s tempting for children to spend hours in front of the TV or on their devices, it’s important to limit their screen time. Another way to do this is to encourage them to read books, play board games, or participate in indoor craft activities instead.

Furthermore, kids don’t always live close to their classmates or friends. Sometimes the summer means losing contact with close friends. This can be a great opportunity to plan a playdate and coordinate with some parents from your child’s class to go on an outing together! This will help them feel connected with friends in the upcoming school year.

Enroll in Summer Camp

Planning activities for your child before the school year ends can help them look forward to summer. Summer camps provide children with a unique opportunity to explore the great outdoors, make new friends, and learn valuable life skills in a fun and supportive environment. While many families may view summer camp as simply a way to keep their children entertained during the summer months, the benefits of attending camp go far beyond mere entertainment.

Here at Cornerstone Academy, we offer a summer camp for current and new families. Registration is due by May 25th and our camp begins June 17. Learn more on our website.

Keep Learning Fun Things

Just because school is out doesn’t mean that learning has to stop. Encourage your child to explore new interests, and hobbies, and find ways to make learning fun. Whether you encourage them to play brain games on the computer, go on a stroll outside and take in nature together, learn how to make something by hand, or create a summer reading list, you are keeping their mind active and engaged without them even realizing it.

This will not only help them pass the summer without getting bored, but it will also keep their minds in good shape and prepare them for the upcoming school year. Now go out and have a great summer!

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